Contacting the Pollite Organization
Currently, all contact with Pollite Organization staff must be made via email.
Here is a hint. The same person answers all of these email addresses. (Sending your message to more than one address means a longer wait for your reply, so please direct your question or request to a single email address.)
Technical Support
If you have a question about how to use the Lens, please email help@pollite.org
If you think there is a problem with your account, send email to accounts@pollite.org
Bugs, features, comments, gripes
If you have found a repeatable problem with the Lens software, please send a precise, concise bug report to bugs@pollite.org
If you have a great idea, please send your suggested features and enhancements to features@pollite.org
You can send your comments, criticism, and kudos to feedback@pollite.org
If you need to contact the adminstratrators of the Pollite Organization, please email admin@pollite.org
Becoming a Sponsor
Please send offers to contribute software or services to the Lens project to contribute@pollite.org
Please send offers to donate money, hardware, or other resources to the Lens project to donate@pollite.org
Please indicate your interest in paid or unpaid employment with our organization by sending email to jobs@pollite.org